The second test match between England and Australia, unfolding within the confines of the hitherto sunny and picturesque Adelaide Oval, has just been called off because of rain. It was obvious that this was going to happen because a) England, through their ruthless and sometimes exhilarating batting (especially KP's, who is on 200-something and looking like he could turn this into an exhibition or something should the mood take him), are in an extremely strong position to win the thing, and b) because I made a decision to fetch some more beers to see me through to the end of play, all six of which now seem redundant and knowingly mocking, though I think and hope I'm imagining that last bit - they're in the fridge two doors away, if they're mocking me it's not to my face. And if they are anyway, shame on them.
Um... my hero.
I had help though, oh yes: my house mate first cajoled, and then convinced me to do it - he's the guy who's now passed out to my left, a stance he's steadfastly adhered to since our return to base some time ago. I hold no hope of him stirring, and why should I? It is, after all, still raining in Adelaide. But for how long? How long? In other news, the world keeps turning.
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